Monday, October 29, 2007


Poets in the Vineyard

Sunday 11 November
Poets in the Vineyard - 5th Edition.

Poets in the Vineyard is aimed at giving poets the chance to read their original work to an audience of other poets and an appreciative public. This is the fifth gathering. Previous afternoons have been a great success. People arrive and place their name with Janette, if they want to read. If you prefer, you can let her know beforehand of your intention to perform. The length of time you are allocated will depend on the number of poets who arrive on the day. –, the audience sits back and enjoys the fine food and beverage provided by Peter Hermann and his staff. or food, without missing any of the work

So for an afternoon of fine wine, good food and thought-provoking and amusing poetry join us at Tilba Valley Wines. It is definitely worth noting this down in your social calendar.

For information contact:

Peter Hermann - 44 737 308 or


Janette Dadd - 44 738 033 or

Look forward to meeting you there.

Courtesy of The Poets Union.

Sorry that I missed this, especially as it combined two of my favourite things: poetry and wine.
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