Monday, November 20, 2006


A Poetry Launch

You are invited to join us to celebrate the launch of the PostPressed Spring 2006 poetry list
Friday 24 November 2006
6.30 for 7pm
Red Chamber Parliament House
Cnr George and Alice Streets Brisbane

Tim Collins Along the Lip's Edge
'Collins has considerable descriptive powers and an originality of viewpoint not unlike some of the English Martian poets Š a striking denseness of imagery and ingenuity of observation Š' Geoff Page

Liz Hall-Downs My Arthritic Heart
'A good part of this collection is about the poets' struggle with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis that when coupled with poverty and inhumanity is a hard call.' Coral Hull

John Knight big man catching a small wave
'This is a tender collection of graceful haiku ever hopeful in their sadness and their joy'
Jeff Harpeng

Willie Bach Picking mangoes that are still green'
'Willy 'speaks from the wound' - he writes very angry, passionate lines that he hopes will make us all stop and consider the full implications of war.' Drew Hutton will read a selection of poetry from the book

Wendy Morgan Tiding Us Over
'The intellectual and the physical worlds interleave in a satisfying way: ideas and images ripple across each other and take on new forms.' Susan Hampton

Cathouse Creek
roots-blues-mountain music
Kim Downs - guitar & vocals
Liz Hall-Downs - vocals and bush bass
Gary Nunn - piano accordion and vocals

wine, nibbles, tea and coffee RSVP 3254 2056

(Courtesy Queensland Writing <>

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